Simplification, innovation and automation.

Smart Drafting
Preparation and formulation of customised draft contracts meeting the highest market standards or based on your specific knowledge.

Confidential negotiation suites
Reserved access to virtual negotiation tables, with tracking and automation of operations up to the verification and preparation of the final version to be signed.

Integration of external legal advisers
Partnership with In-House and external legal advisers to back up negotiations for any contract or transaction to reflect your particular needs.

Electronic and digital signature
Signing with integrated default electronic signature and scope for free integration of different types of digital signature, without any supplier trading restriction, even in the most complex business negotiations.

Secure, smart storage
Storage of documents with certified tracking of full transaction history.

Security And Compliance
The ROKH Platform guarantees dedicated, segregated spaces, as well as secure access, via various authorisation levels under your direct supervision.

Contract lifecycle management
Creation of document history and remote access to negotiations.

Native multilingual
Adaptation and drafting of texts in more than 10 native languages.
ROKH Platform, developing the approach taken by the business to the management of contracts, negotiations, signature processes and legal topics. Create your responsive repository with ease. A simple, organised way to free the potential of your experience and knowledge, automatically perfecting your standards and improving future performance.

With its own Smart Drafting system (ROKH Builder), ROKH enables you to create ad hoc contracts and, more generally, any type of legal document, in just a few minutes, by means of a tree structure that can be fully customized on the basis of your know-how and your preferences, in keeping with the standards set by your business or law firm. Following the route that ROKH has prepared for you, you can now complete and perfect texts, relying on our team and the indications given by the system.

You can negotiate with your counterparts in purposely set-up negotiation suites and sign, remotely, contracts created with the use of our ROKH Builder, as well as all your contracts and templates, which you can import safely in your reserved area. Documents and attachments can also be imported into each negotiation suite and, accompanying the negotiation contract, will be signed with just one signature. When signing, there is no need to worry about checking the documents or execution versions: these will be automatically prepared by the Platform and referred for signing, also by the counterparty, with an identical text.

The integration of external legal advisers enables each firm to liaise with its own external adviser when dealing with an individual contract or individual transaction, maximising the synergy between In-House lawyers and Law Firms to create shared value.

The signature affixed, via the ROKH Platform, associated inseparably with the document, prevents tampering and unauthorised amendments, safeguarding the integrity and authenticity of its contents, as well as guaranteeing the identity of the party signing, preventing the signature from being falsified or repudiated.
Confirm your intention to enter into the contract with the use of an electronic signature, affixing any type of signature, regardless of your supplier.

The ROKH Platform contains a historical archive for each transaction, in which every intermediate version of every contract is automatically saved, organised and dated, indicating any amendments made. With the private version of ROKH Builder, you are given a private, more segregated area to store contractual flows, fully customized to reflect your needs and the best precedents available to your organisation.

The ROKH Platform guarantees security of access via various authorisation levels under your direct supervision, as well as the tracking of user activities, protection of your data and storage of your documents. You can create, up-date and modify all the users authorised to access the ROKH Platform, and assign different profiles and powers.

Easy browsing of distinct versions of documents prepared in the past (drafts, amendments and side letters). Creation of electronic files containing the history of each contract (including linked documents). In the event of legal action, simply click to download the entire contract file (including negotiation history) to be lodged with the Court.

The system does not just translate the texts, but speaks more than 10 native languages and its flows can be used to prepare contracts, originally drafted with the characteristics of the language selected. You will be able to exploit the automated system in more than one native language and thereby create bilingual documents, which reflect and are consistent with each other, avoiding the loss of language nuances.

Custom Experience
With the private version of ROKH Builder, you will not only be given access to all the tools to create contract flows which can then be used to generate complex contracts in different languages in a matter of minutes, but you can also request a fully tailor-made, turnkey ROKH service for the creation of contract flows by reprocessing knowledge and structuring adequate safeguards based on the particular needs of your organisation.

Assistance ROKH
The platform integrates a booking system with a dedicated legal expert to simplify the use of contractual flows and to adopt the best process standards in the management of negotiation and signing procedures.
A revolutionary cross industry solution to simplify legal document life cycle processes and management.
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