Developing the approach taken by the business to the management of contracts and legal topics.

A single web-based IT platform which, thanks to its algorithms designed and structured on the basis of rigid legal metrics, simplifies, innovates and automates drafting, negotiation, signing and archiving processes (also providing proof during legal actions) and legal document management.

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Smart Drafting

Preparation and formulation of customised draft contracts meeting the highest market standards or based on your specific knowledge.

Confidential negotiation suites

Reserved access to virtual negotiation tables, with tracking and automation of operations up to the verification and preparation of the final version to be signed.

Integration of external legal adviser

Partnership with In-House and external legal advisers to back up negotiations on the basis of your particular needs.

Electronic and digital signature

Scope to freely integrate different types of signing tools, without any supplier trading restrictions, even in the most complex business negotiations.

Secure, smart storage

Storage of documents with certified tracking of full transaction history.

Security and Compliance

The ROKH Platform guarantees dedicated, segregated spaces, as well as secure access, via various authorisation levels under your direct supervision.

Contract lifecycle management

Creation of document history and remote access to negotiations.


Adaptation and drafting of texts in more than 10 languages.

Manage your contracts throughout their entire Lifecycle in a streamlined, structured and machine-friendly data flow.

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The ROKH Builder system demonstrates its ability to adapt to input and individual needs, in order to put together complex contract drafts, replicating the synapses that guide the real drafting of a contract (even the most complex), without minimizing the role of the professional, but highlighting his or her accessibility and efficiency. The ROKH Builder doesn’t just save time and resources during highly professional̀ transactions, but also helps increase quality and efficiency in keeping with the best (and individual) practices of each business and/or law firm.

Custom Experience ROKH

Custom Experience

ROKH can offer you a fully tailor-made, turnkey service for the creation of contract flows.

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Assistance ROKH

The platform integrates a booking system with a dedicated legal expert.

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ROKH Marketplace.

The first step in formulating your contract. Choose from the templates available and, in just a few minutes, ROKH will provide you with a text prepared in compliance with the best market standards and on the basis of your individual needs.


Resource optimisation

Avoid wasting time and money, with operations having minimal added value, making the most of professional performance by effectively developing quality and experience, to the advantage of the business or law firm.

Reducing risks and errors

Protect parties against risks of unclear interpretation, amendments not brought to light during negotiations, discrepancies between signed documents and those actually approved, errors when contracts and attachments are signed, or loss of information that may be important in a possible legal action.

Rapid Smart Process Management

In just a few minutes, following a series of straight forward steps, you can obtain a complex draft contract (also native multilingual).

Legal Value of Negotiations

The actual intentions expressed during negotiations will be given legal value that can also be used in legal actions.

Automatic data filing

You will be given access to the historical archive for each transaction, in which every intermediate version of every contract is automatically saved, organised and dated, indicating any amendments made. Filing enables you to extract a structured electronic file, stored in chronological order and complete, and, if used during a court action, the clear date indicated will simplify the onus of proof.

Integration, also with external legal advisers

Get external legal advisers involved, to enable each firm to liaise with its external adviser when dealing with an individual contract or individual transaction, maximising the synergy between In-House lawyers and Law Firms to create shared value.

International application

ROKH assists you with the drafting, negotiation, management and storage of all legal and administrative documents required to run the business, at both a national and international level.

Manage your contracts throughout their entire Lifecycle in a streamlined, structured and machine-friendly data flow.

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A team of lawyers with experience in leading law firms and multinational enterprises.

Set up with the national and international experience of a group of lawyers and managers from leading multinational enterprises and international firms, the mission set by ROKH is to make available to any business enterprise or law firm, highly developed smart drafting tools and a comprehensive platform that is able to digitalize and increase the efficiency with which all legal and administrative documents required to run the business are drafted, negotiated, signed and managed, at both a national and international level.

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The method

Our method is based on our values. The high standards of efficiency and quality offered are the result of our “FANES” method, an approach firmly anchored on our values and translated into tangible benefits for ROKH Members.

null ROKH TIPS - Ambito di operatività della clausola compromissoria nel contratto di locazione
News / 02.08.2022

ROKH TIPS - Ambito di operatività della clausola compromissoria nel contratto di locazione

È sempre più frequente che nei contratti di locazione di immobili urbani ad uso abitativo e ad uso diverso dall’abitazione le parti inseriscano una clausola compromissoria, volta a devolvere ad un arbitro o ad un collegio arbitrale la risoluzione delle eventuali controversie scaturenti dal contratto stesso; pertanto, riveste particolare importanza delineare i confini di operatività di tale clausola.

Le controversie deferibili ad arbitri sono quelle aventi ad oggetto la determinazione, la revisione, l'aggiornamento e l'adeguamento del canone, al pari delle altre controversie che possono insorgere tra le parti in merito alla interpretazione ed esecuzione del contratto.

La clausola compromissoria estende i propri effetti anche in ipotesi di sublocazione e di cessione del contratto, solamente in presenza di un accordo specifico tra tutte le parti e, nelle ipotesi di cessione del contratto di locazione ex lege, nelle quali il ceduto è rimasto estraneo al trasferimento della posizione contrattuale, quest'ultimo potrà opporre la clausola compromissoria al cessionario, qualora insorga tra loro una controversia che abbia la propria fonte nel contratto di locazione ceduto.

L’ esistenza della clausola compromissoria non esclude, tuttavia, la competenza al giudice ordinario per le materie in cui lo stesso è inderogabilmente competente, quali i procedimenti per intimazione di licenza o di sfratto per finita locazione (art. 657 c.p.c.) e di intimazione di sfratto per morosità (art. 658 c.p.c.).

Infine, essendo l’esperimento del procedimento di mediazione condizione di procedibilità della domanda giudiziale ex art. 5 d.lgs. n.28/10 nelle controversie in materia locativa, preme stabilire se la mediazione assuma tali connotati anche con riferimento all’instaurazione del procedimento arbitrale. La ratio deflattiva del tentativo obbligatorio esclude la mediazione come condizione di procedibilità dell’azione in arbitrato, essendo anch’esso individuato quale strumento deflattivo. È necessario, invece, esperire preventivamente la mediazione, nei casi in cui nel contratto venga espressamente previsto il tentativo di conciliazione e, in caso di esito negativo, l’espletamento dell’arbitrato (c.d. “clausola multistep”).

La tecnologia di smart drafting della Piattaforma ROKH consente di selezionare, in relazione a ciascun rapporto contrattuale, il metodo più adeguato per la risoluzione di eventuali controversie.


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